Yutan Public School District
Yutan Public School District will use ARP Act ESSER III funds to:
Purchase mobile devices to ensure that we can academically reach our children outside of the school building and outside of our school day hours.
Allow for our students and staff to be mobile and take advantage of unique learning environments that combat the fact that our school building was not built with the intention of socially distancing.
Allow for student to continue to learn through an extended absence or closure of the building.
Address learning loss of our students,
Accelerate learning through extra opportunities outside the building and outside the traditional school day
Other activities necessary to maintain the operation of and continuity of services
Our District will be able to implement a learning environment that goes beyond the school building as well as beyond the school day. We will start this program as soon as we are able to procure all the devices needed in order to offer these programs effectively. This will not only allow for us to offer extra learning opportunities but also address learning loss for our students.
As necessary, we will provide leave to staff members who have COVID or must quarantine. These devices will allow the teacher to reach our students remotely even though they may not be physically present at school.
Our District will ensure that no student or teacher will be denied participation based on gender, race, national origin, socioeconomic status, disability, or age.