Safe Return Plan
As our knowledge of the COVID-19 situation has changed it is becoming more apparent that we need to move on from our original plan. When our original plan was created we certainly did not have all the answers and with all confidence I can tell you we still do not. At this point you are more than likely accustomed to the risk dial that was provided from Three Rivers Health Department however, right now there is no risk dial being provided by the health department. So the colors (level of risk) are completely determined by Yutan Public Schools.
Our updated plan has moved from how to safely open school to how do we safely keep our students and staff in school.
The list below are some points that we feel need to be clearly stated.
We will continue with "in person" learning until we are either shut down, the school setting becomes unsafe or can no longer properly staff our buildings. If we would have to shut down "in person" learning for any reason we then would go to 100% remote learning.
At this point, masking will be optional for all students and staff while at school.
At this point, bus routes will be in place. If the risk becomes heightened, we may alter or eliminate this service.
Students are not only affected by their own daily happenings. Parents, siblings and all other members of the household still can affect your child's ability to attend school in person.
We will continue to work with and communicate with Three Rivers Health Department on a regular basis to ensure that we are following the most recent health directives.
We need everyone's help. If we can work together and respect the directed health measures we can be successful at keeping our students in school and competing in activities.
Please click the links to see the Safe Return Information
Together we will get through this.
Mr. Rex Pfeil
Yutan Public Schools